Hello friends and family!
This is the second year where will be participating in the Bowlathon to support a great organization - the National Association for Down Syndrome (NADS). We would like to invite you to support this by either joining us at the Bowlathon or by pledging money to support us.
We hope that those of you in the Chicagoland area will consider joining us! The three of us went last year (Vicki, Dave and Jack) and it was a lot of fun.
Event Details:
24th Annual NADS Bowlathon
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Stardust Bowl
37 East Lorraine
Addison, IL
Each registered bowler must collect at least $100 in pledges. Children can register individually or bowl as a partner with a registered bowler. They will have some bumper lanes (and if we have enough kids bowling we should be able to get our own bumper lane for Team Rancho Jack).
To register and collect pledges online - go to
http://www.firstgiving.com/ranchojack and click on "join this team" or else you can go to
http://www.nads.org to download hard copies.
This year, since Jack is still kind of little for bowling, and since I am carrying around a bowling ball with me 24-7 we are going to let Dave be our registered bowler, but will all be in attendance. We hope to have a big group and will bring some snacks and treats. It is a very festive day celebrating special kids like Jack and their families and we would love for you to share in it with us!
For some photos from last year's event go to:
http://ranchojack.blogspot.com/2008/03/nads-bowlathon-pics.html2. IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND BUT WOULD LIKE TO DONATE:
Please go go
http://www.firstgiving.com/ranchojack to donate online. If you would prefer to send a check, please send it to:
The van Alphens
5804 Ridgewood Dr.
Western Springs, IL 60558
Please note - there is an option for your company to do a corporate match. For those Gartner associates pledging, please note that I will be submitting our entire amount collected through the Gartner matching program, so don't worry about doing that step.
We appreciate any support for this worthwhile event and as always, feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family in our lives!!
Vicki, David and Jack van Alphen